When you want to build a new house or buy a property with a lot of outdoor space, you have many aspects to think through before you make a decision. Therefore, it is necessary to be well informed in order to make a wise decision. For this reason, today we want to help all interested parties with useful information about house outdoor areas. It is well known that every house has outdoor areas that can be used for different purposes. We will now discuss in more detail how to plan and divide these. We will also write about the functions that are attributed to each outdoor area of ​​the house.

Most home outdoor areas look inviting, don’t they?

How important are outdoor areas in the home?

What is behind the term house outdoor areas?

As a homeowner, you must be clear about how you want to use the outdoor areas of your house. However, we would like to emphasize at the beginning of this article that we understand the term outdoor area as it is explained on Juracademy.de. To be correct, we would like to quote from this website:

“In contrast to §§ 30 and 34 BauGB, the outdoor area is the area that is neither planned (§ 30 paras. 1 and 2 BauGB) nor represents a coherently built-up district (§ 34 BauGB). The outdoor area is distinguished from the inner area on the one hand by the fact that development that does not reach the weight of a district (irregular splinter development) represents an outdoor area within the meaning of § 35 BauGB, and on the other hand by the fact that the inner area ends at the municipal boundary and after the last actual development. The areas located adjacent to this are to be legally classified as outdoor areas. The assessment under planning law must therefore be carried out on the basis of § 35 BauGB.”

Design the outdoor area around the house according to the law!

How important are outdoor areas in the home?

Why are outdoor areas crucial to our happiness in our homes?

House outdoor areas are the outdoor places that we use purposefully to expand our living space. The options are numerous. First, think about what you want to have outside and how the house outdoor areas contribute to your living comfort. We show you the most important options below in words and pictures:

The pergola and the seating area there can be your favorite place to relax in the summer.

How important are outdoor areas in the home?

Design a terrace, veranda or pergola

Maybe you want to have a terrace, veranda or pergola in the outdoor area. These designs are part of the house anyway, but serve as relaxation zones. Undoubtedly, these areas must be well protected from sun, rain and hail so that you feel at home there, regardless of the weather outside. When designing a terrace, veranda or pergola, you also have to think about high-quality privacy screens. This way you don’t let prying eyes intrude into your private area and protect your privacy. This is the only way you can feel comfortable outside and fully enjoy your own home. With skilfully designed outdoor areas, you can move your living space outside in the summer and increase your living space. The trend towards open-air living rooms is very current at the moment, because everyone wants to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air with friends and family.

Even a simply furnished veranda can be inviting!

How important are outdoor areas in the home?

Give old garden furniture from grandma’s time a second chance!

How important are outdoor areas in the home?

The veranda and the covered terrace are undoubtedly at the top of the list of the most popular outdoor areas in German homes. But millions of people from other nations also like to spend their free time there in the summer. The veranda can be set up like a second living room so that you can enjoy the same comfort outside as you do inside the house. Comfortable seating, a carpet, flower pots and suitable outdoor lighting complete the natural look.

Extra tip: Choose a sunny spot for your pergola that is sheltered from the wind! Place an outdoor table and chairs or armchairs there, perhaps even a fire pit. This way, your oasis of well-being will be ready in no time!

Large homes include large outdoor areas, with space for a pergola and a fire pit.

How important are outdoor areas in the home?

Design a beautiful front garden

On our website you will find some interesting articles about designing the front garden. We pay special attention to this outdoor area because it serves as the calling card of the house. There you can plant a colorful flower garden and welcome your guests with beautiful flowers. You will also be in a better mood every time you enter the front garden and see the sea of ​​flowers in front of the house. Here you can find out how to plan and skillfully design the front garden. You also need to consider the following: Do you want a beautiful flower garden by the house or do you prefer just wide lawns? What would be nicer and what would be easier to maintain? In both cases you will have to invest gardening work and money in designing it!

A well-maintained outdoor area gives you a lot of joy!

How important are outdoor areas in the home?

Planning garden paths and the driveway to the garage – great ideas for house outdoor areas

Last but not least, we would like to draw your attention to the planning and construction of garden paths and driveways. On the one hand, these serve for your comfort, on the other hand, they zone the outdoor areas of the house and clearly define their functions. Where do the garden paths lead? Are they well lit in the evening to avoid any tripping hazard? Do you want to build the paths with stone, concrete or wooden slabs? You must first answer these and several similar questions before you start these projects.

Do you want a garage for your cars or is a carport enough for you? The design of the parking spaces for your cars depends primarily on the area you want to use for this purpose. The planning and design of a garage also requires a lot of attention! You can find out here what preliminary considerations you need to make in this regard. You will certainly want the driveway to be wide enough so that entering and exiting is never difficult. Find out about every detail before you start building a garage on your house. As always and everywhere, good planning is half the battle!

A great opportunity for absolute relaxation – a garden pool!

How important are outdoor areas in the home?

Enjoy the summer outdoors, on the veranda for example!

How important are outdoor areas in the home?

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Last Update: 17 September 2024