Having lived in Brittany for four years, Isabelle Laydier Kristensen and her partner Romain moved into a house near Vannes a few months ago. Lou, almost 2 years old, can grow up enjoying the beautiful garden: an education that reflects his mother’s passion for the plant world.

In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen
In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen

Isabelle Laydier Kristensen was born in Brussels to a Danish mother and a French father. She spent the first years of her childhood in a red brick house before moving several times, until the family settled in Luxembourg. “ The apartment had been completely redesigned by my mother, who was at the time taking evening classes in interior design in Denmark, she did them remotely and I loved watching her work meticulously on grape-sized papers with Rotring Isograph with points as fine as needles. It was very bright and my mother had brought a bit of her Scandinavian origins with Danish furniture and lighting. Even though it was located a few minutes from the city center, the apartment was quiet with a view of tall trees.»

In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen
In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen

No doubt it was during this period that Isabelle began to shape her outlook. “ Since I was little, I have also idealized Paris a lot through the stories of my father who spent his childhood there.» From the age of 10, she dreamed of studying there. “ I always loved drawing and thanks to my mother who pushed me to pursue what I really liked, I headed to the French capital when I was 18.» She enrolled in a degree in visual arts and cinema at the Sorbonne but regretted not practicing art enough. Redirected towards a BTS in visual communication, she finally became a graphic designer once her diploma was completed.

In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen
In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen

While she works in an agency, Isabelle Laydier Kristensen has a great project: that of creating a book that compiles her inspirations. In 2010, 3petitspoints magazine was born, first online then in print a few years later. Sold throughout the world, the magazine ends after four issues.

In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen
In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen

But this trained graphic designer is not giving up on her dream of paper. “ In 2020, I co-founded Blumenhaus with my dear friend Camille Gressier. It is an art book on the theme of botany which is treated through the prism of illustration, fashion and different subjects. We spent years working together and always said that one day we would create a project for us.” Lovers of nature, the two creators hit hard from the first issue which was a real success. From now on, Blumenhaus appears every autumn and to see the engravings, the books and the objects which punctuate the interior of Isabelle in Vannes, it is obvious that we find in her the spirit of this beautiful work.

In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen
In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen

With Romain met in Paris in 2018, Isabelle Laydier Kristensen moved to Brittany and gave birth to Lou in 2022. “ After several rentals, we finally found this house quite by chance and we moved in in December 2023.» Built in the 1990s, the pavilion of approximately 100 square meters is located near Vannes, fifteen minutes from the sea. We had a fairly clear idea of ​​what we wanted to change and replace immediately: it was more about improvements than major work. We did everything together: the parquet floors were laid by Romain, we repainted all the rooms and this summer we set up a small greenhouse in the garden. For now, it’s the kitchen that’s under construction…»

In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen
In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen

At almost two years old, Lou, their little girl, has her own room. “ Romain installed an oak floor and we completely repainted the walls white… I like the fact that there are two windows on either side of the room, it is always bright. I didn’t really “think” his room, it was done by feeling and with relatively little furniture because I like the idea that everything is adjustable and that you can move everything easily. I love changing my setup from time to time!» Knowing the creative energy of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen, it’s not hard to believe it.

In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen
In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen
In Brittany, the fascinating house of Isabelle Laydier Kristensen

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Last Update: 15 October 2024