As you know, pollution is no longer just an outdoor issue. Our interiors are also breeding grounds for pollutants: cleaning products, paints, plastic furniture… the solution? Air-purifying plants, our allies that absorb toxins and purify the air. They don’t just decorate, they work. Here is a guide that will tell you which air-purifying plants are the most effective and, above all, in which room to put them so that they do the job effectively.

Make your interior a real green oasis

the superheroes of our interiors!

Spathiphyllum: the cleaning ace

Spathiphyllum is the Swiss army knife of depolluting plants. Benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, xylene… it doesn’t let any toxins pass through, even those from cigarettes. And the best part? It loves humidity. So if you’re looking for a plant for your bathroom, the moonflower is what you need. You can also install it in the toilets or even the living room where it will be happy. Not too much direct light and a little water from time to time, and hey presto, it does its job without complaining.

This is truly the plant that everyone should have at home.

the superheroes of our interiors!

Ficus elastica

The ficus is the star of large spaces. This plant is a real formaldehyde filter, it’s the stuff found in almost everything that is manufactured (furniture, glues, paints). If you have a spacious living room or an office, you can put this giant, it will work silently to keep the air clean and freshen it. In addition, it is rather beautiful with its large shiny leaves. Be careful not to drown it, it likes to be thirsty between two waterings.

It’s a great decoration for large spaces.

the superheroes of our interiors!

Aloe Vera: The Plant That Does Everything

We all know Aloe Vera for its soothing properties on the skin, but it does much more than that. This little warrior absorbs all the harmful elements present in cleaning products. If you are looking for an undemanding plant that loves the sun and purifies the air, place it on a windowsill in the bedroom or in the kitchen.

You can use aloe vera to treat your skin problems

the superheroes of our interiors!

Chlorophytum or spider plant

Here, we are talking about an incredible and indestructible plant. It survives almost everything. It attacks pollutants like carbon monoxide and smoke odors. Don’t panic, if you forget to water it, it is forgiving. You can put it anywhere, even in your office to capture the bad energies of electronics.

Personally, I have one in my bathroom.

the superheroes of our interiors!

The Areca Palm

This little indoor coconut tree, in addition to being super decorative, is a champion at eliminating lots of pollutants. But its super power is to humidify the air. So if the air in your home is dry because of the heating or air conditioning, place it in your living room or dining room. It will be like a fish in water and will help you breathe healthier air. It likes light, but not direct, and it does not require tons of water.

the superheroes of our interiors!

The Sansevieria

If you don’t have a green thumb at all, the sansevieria is for you. This plant is simple, it survives everything. It can stay in dark corners, not be watered for weeks and, despite everything, it purifies the air silently. And the little extra: it releases oxygen at night. Perfect for the bedroom or hallways.

the superheroes of our interiors!

English Ivy

Don’t be fooled by its wild plant look, English ivy is a formidable depolluter. It neutralizes all pollutants. As a bonus: it reduces mold and purifies humid air. Hang it in your bathroom or install it in the kitchen. Ivy likes places that are a little cool and humid, so these two rooms are perfect for it. Be careful though if you have animals, it can be toxic if they nibble.

If you are looking for a creeping plant, the pothos also has the qualities of purifying the air.

the superheroes of our interiors!

How many plants to properly depollute?

For an optimal purifying effect, you need about one depolluting plant every 10 to 15 m². For example, in a 30 m² living room, three plants should do the job properly. The idea is to vary the species to capture different types of pollutants.

the superheroes of our interiors!

Air-purifying plants aren’t just pretty, they work hard to make our homes healthier. And by taking care of your plants, you’re taking care of yourself and your air. So, are you ready to adopt these green superheroes into your home?

the superheroes of our interiors!

Surrounding yourself with plants is great if you work from home.

the superheroes of our interiors!

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life style,

Last Update: 17 September 2024