
Spaghetti All’Assassina – murderously good!


Spaghetti All’Assassina is a fiery original Italian recipe. The spaghetti are fried directly in the pan and cook in a savory tomato sauce, which gives them the special aroma. For the Spaghetti All’Assassina you only need a few simple ingredients that you get at a favorable everywhere. Trying is worth it!

How can so simple ingredients become such a delicious dish? Anyone who does not try Spaghetti All’Assassina will hardly believe how brilliant this sharp pasta dish tastes! The preparation takes place very simply in 3 steps: First you cook a tomato broth made of water, tomato paste and salt. Then you fry garlic, chilli and the uncooked spaghetti in olive oil. The spaghetti are now poured over the tomato broth several times in the last step, so that they simmer like risotto in it until they are al dente, i.e. bite -proof. You see, the preparation is very easy, and in less than 30 minutes your real Italian holiday feeling will conjure up directly on the plate. You can adapt the sharpness according to taste. Our tomato Mozzarella sauce is milder and just as delicious!

Spaghetti All’Assassina: An original Italian recipe?

Translated, “Spaghetti All’Assassina” means something like “Spaghetti in the way of the killer” or “Murderer-Spaghetti”. The name alludes to the intensive sharpness and the strong taste of the court, which are so “murderous” good (or sharp?) That they literally strike. The court originally comes from Bari in Apulia and is a popular specialty there. The preparation, in which the spaghetti are fried in contrast to the classic spaghetti all’arrabbiata directly in the pan, gives them a unique and irresistible taste!

Spaghetti All’Assassina: These are the ingredients

You need the following ingredients for the simple Italian recipe:

  1. spaghetti: Are fried to reach the typical taste of Spaghetti Assassina. Also delicious and without meat: our spaghetti with pistachios pesto!
  2. Passed tomatoes and tomato paste: The spaghetti are cooked in it after frying. The special thing is that she gradually adds the liquid.
  3. Garlic: Use 2 fresh toes for a light grade and 3-4 toes for a stronger garlic taste. If you don’t feel like garlic peeling, it is best to try our garlic paste.
  4. Chili: As flakes or fresh chili peppers. Pay attention to the desired sharpness. Mild chilli also gives taste if you don’t like it so sharp.
  5. olive oil: To fry for the roasted aroma.
Break spaghettiSpaghetti break if necessary

Fry the spaghetti all assassina crispyFry the spaghetti crispy

Spaghetti All Assassina Best RecipeServe spaghetti All’Assassina

Tips for the Italian Spaghetti All’Assassina recipe

Our recipe is simple and successful if you pay attention to a few things:

Pan: An oval pan (e.g. a fish pan) or one with a diameter of at least 30cm is ideal for the recipe. Our tip, if you use a pan with 28cm: Brecht through part of the spaghetti and just don’t tell anyone;). In a coated pan you can fry well without burning the food.

Patience when roasting: The spaghetti really have to be golden brown before liquid is added.

Regulate the heat: So that the spaghetti does not burn, adjust the temperature. The spaghetti are allowed to get brown spots, but don’t become black!

Adjust sharpness: If you like it less sharp, reduce the chilli flakes or use mild flakes!

Spaghetti All’Assassina is a fiery Italian recipe. The spaghetti are fried directly in the pan and cook in a savory tomato sauce. For the Spaghetti All’Assassina you only need a few simple ingredients that you get at a favorable everywhere.

Preparation time: 5 Minute

Preparation time: 20 Minute

Working hours: 25 Minute

Suitable recipe recommendations

  • 1 pot Fund contents at least 2 liters
  • 1 large pan Diameter at least 28cm, better larger or oval


Calories 748kcal

Carbohydrates 107G

Fat 28G

protein 19G

Information for 2 persons

  • Briefly boil water with the tomato paste and salt into a saucepan. Keep warm.

    600 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of tomato paste

  • Peel the garlic and chop it fine. Put the garlic with the chilli flakes and the olive oil in a pan and fry everything sharply for about a minute.

    2 cloves of garlic, 50 g olive oil, 1-2 TL chili flakes

  • Now put the spaghetti into the pan and fry them crispy from both sides. Be careful when turning so that the spaghetti do not break.

    250 g Spaghetti

  • Then give the tomatoes you have passed over the spaghetti. As soon as the liquid is significantly reduced, you turn the spaghetti and roast further until there is no more liquid. The spaghetti may be fried properly and get dark spots without becoming black.

    300 g passed tomatoes

  • Now you always put 2-3 draws of the tomato fluid into the pan and let the spaghetti simmer in it until the liquid is evaporated. Then turn the spaghetti (or stir them as soon as they are soft enough) and add 2-3 draws of the tomato fluid again. Repeat until the liquid is used up or until the spaghetti are soft. Depending on the brand, the amount of fluid can vary somewhat.
  • As soon as the liquid has evaporated, the spaghetti fry again briefly in the pan until they are crispy and then put them directly on a plate for serving.


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Tip: In a well -coated pan, the spaghetti can be fried wonderfully without burning.

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