
Simply repair jeans: 2 fast methods

While Selmin is on Langeoog, I also dream of being there again. It has been 3 years since we girls have spent a quiet sewing week on our favorite island together. What you didn’t know at the time: I was pretty at the beginning of my pregnancy and fluctuated between huge appetite and great lack of appetite to the same thing. It went so far that I was cycling across the island to find a backfish roll somewhere. In vain, because in November there is pretty much everything on the North Sea islands that attracts tourists in summer. But that’s a different story.

What I actually wanted to say: Such a week would be perfect now. I like to use the beginning of autumn to take care of the things that have just moved out of the warehouse into the wardrobe. Sometimes something has to be cleaned or some pilling is removed on the woolen sweaters, but sometimes larger repairs must also be done. So I just wanted to repair my beloved jeans. I show you two methods that I used in this blog post. If you want to learn more, I recommend our online course to repair clothing.

Repaired jeans
Sewing thread, scissors, insert, broken jeans
Simply repair clothes

The best thing to do is make you comfortable like me like me in a cup of shear weather tea with cream, candlelight and autumn decorations. Maybe you will hear a radio play or your favorite autumn playlist-so you can be repaired comfortably for a few hours. No matter whether alone or with a dear person, whose repair stacks have to finally shrink …

Patch jeans in the crotch – this is how it works:

The problem: With my favorite medium blue mom jeans, the step was slowly thin. This can ride through the bike, time on the playground or simply through normal wear. So that a hole in the jeans does not even arise, I decided to patch this area now. In general, I would recommend that you remedy such problems as early as possible, because the further use is more and more stressed.

Patch jeans in the crotch


Patch jeans in the crotch


1. First, it is important to stabilize the broken area. For that I use Cotton insert for ironing onthat I iron on the left side of the pants according to the instructions. You can also use fleece insert if you still have remains at home. The color does not have to fit 100%, since you sew it again later. However, if you do not have time or desire, the patch should fit perfectly because it may shimmer through. Cut the patch around the patch a good 1.5 centimeters larger than your problem area and the edges best. This is the best way to hold.

Broken trousers
Iron on

2. To simply patch the jeans and repair the damaged area, you now use your sewing machine. You put the jeans under the sewing machine as smooth as possible and always sew back and forth with not too large straight stings (stitch length 2 to 3). Sometimes I do this by sewing to one end, leaving the needle in the piece and turning the entire part under the machine. Sometimes I also use the function for sewing backwards until I arrived again at the beginning. In any case, you should always set your stitch lines slightly side by side in order to finally fill the whole area with stitches. Not too fast so that the needle does not break off. Just try it out – repair your jeans is easier than it looks!

By the way: Depending on the hole, I decide which direction I pursue with the machine when patching, but usually depend on the sloping strip (bodybone) that can be seen in the fabric. If you then use a perfectly suitable yarn, you will not be able to make the repaired area later. In addition, it completely disappears due to the natural shape of the body when wearing the jeans. (;

Repair broken jeans
Maintain clothes

Repair jeans on the hem

The second problem occurred with a beloved jeans in a light wash. Unfortunately, such jeans break faster than, for example, unwashed variants from the very dark denim. As beautiful as Hellblauer Denim looks in summer – the low durability is really a big minus point. You should already have this in mind when buying your jeans.

I had extended these jeans myself by putting an original room from another jeans (actually the hem of the second jeans from this blog post, because I cut it off and frayed). You will learn how to shorten jeans with original (or extend in my case) in our online course. In it we also tell you what you can pay attention to when buying your clothes.

In fact, the material has become thin on this edge and holes have been created. If I had not extended the jeans, the holes would have been at the bottom of the cavity, which would not have looked very nice either. Either way – the holes in the jeans became larger with every washing and had to be repaired urgently.

Repair jeans hem
Repair jeans hem


Repair jeans hem


Patch the hem – this is how it works:

Has the hem broke and you just want to repair your jeans? Then put some insert made of cotton or fleece, the right yarn and a small scissors ready – I’ll show you how you can simply patch your hem.

1. As already when repairing the jeans in the crotch, we start to stabilize the hem with insert. If your jeans are frayed directly at the bottom of the hem, you have to burn the hem first. Then you iron a strip of fleece or iron insert all around the damaged areas. I ironed my strip completely around the hem. On the left side of the fabric, is clear.

Repair hem

2. Then you sew from the right with the sewing machine over the holes that may already exist to fix them. This also prevents another fray. I actually had to work around the entire hem because there were already so many holes.

You will introduce the stitch length to 2 to 3 and sew in the direction of the bodywhereby you always put the rows of rows a little side by side. In fact, after I had already repaired half of the hem, I remember that My sewing machine even has a built -in patch function. I used this afterwards and it was more comfortable again.

Jeans hem patch
Hossensum broken
Hossensum broken

I hope my instructions were helpful for you. If you just want to repair and patch your jeans, my most important tip is: just make it! The material forgives a lot and as always when it comes to repairing clothing, the following also applies here: Done is Better than Perfect.

Have fun patching!

Repair and adapt all clothes

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